HPI Digital Health Innovation Forum
- 26. 03. 2025 – 27. 03. 2025
- Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Lothar Wieler and Prof. Dr. Ariel Dora Stern are honored to invite you to the HPI Digital Health Innovation Forum (DHIF) at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam-Griebnitzsee.
The 2025 Forum has two distinguishing features: it is international by design and focuses on the intersection of innovative digital health policy and business leadership, understanding that the success of healthcare’s digital transformation depends on interdisciplinary collaboration. The Forum will feature not only a diverse range of speakers but also engaging formats, including keynote addresses, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, research talks, and open networking events.
Among others, the following speakers will attend the DHIF:
- Brenya Adjei, gematik GmbH, Germany
- Inga Bergen, “Visionäre der Gesundheit” (health visionaries), Germany
- Claire Biot, Dassault Systèmes, France
- Alexander Boehmcker, Aidoc, Israel
- Prof. Dr. Karl Broich, President of Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Florence Bourgeois, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Prof. Dr. Melinda Buntin, Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Daniel Dickens, KHP Ventures, UK
- Dr. Anke Diehl, Universitätsmedizin Essen, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Ipek Ensari, Hasso Plattner Insitute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai, USA
- Marelize Gorgens, The World Bank, USA
- Thomas Hagemeijer, HGM Advisory, USA
- PD Dr. Maike Henningsen, Female Digital Health, Germany
- Dr. Matthies Henrik, Health Data Technolgies GmbH, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health, Germany
- Gino Liguori, Vivantes, Germany
- Betsabeh Madani-Hermann, Philips, Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Mandy Mangler, Vivantes, Germany
- Caroline Mitterdorfer, LEVY Health, USA
- Alexandre Momeni, General Catalyst, UK
- Prof. Dr. Price Nicholson, University of Michigan, USA
- Marek Rydzewski, BARMER, Germany
- Nick Schneider, German Federal Ministry of Health
- Gloria Seibert, Temedica GmbH, Germany
- Ph. D. Alberta Spreafico, Eversana, USA
- Prof. Dr. Lothar Wieler, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Zur Anmeldung: HPI Digital Health Innovation Forum | Hasso-Plattner-Institut